Amazing! : Gunung Padang Megalithic Site

Gunung Padang Megalithic Site – If you a fan of prehistory world then you should visit this place, this place was name Megalithic Mount of Padang. From the name we know that this place offer some “back to the past” things. The site basically NOT  located in Padang, the capital city of West Sumatera, the coldest place in Sumatera. So where is ut? its located in Desa Karyamukti, Kecamatan Campaka, Kabupaten Cianjur, Jawa Barat. Ye, its located in West Java, the coldest place in Island of Java.

Megalitic mount of padang

So what exactly this Megalithic Mount of Padang? Well, I would say that they are look exactly like Manchu Picchu in Peru. There are a lot of rocks, candis, temples and all of prehistory stuffs. As you can see on the picture above, there is sign that sometime in the past, a civilization started. Indonesian has rich culture and civilization. Kingdoms change routinely made this country full of historical places.

Gunung Padang 2

The Original Structure of Gunung Padang

According to Wikipedia, The existence of the site was mentioned in Rapporten van de Oudheidkundige Dienst (ROD, “Report of the Department of Antiquities”) in 1914. The Dutch historian N. J. Krom also mentioned it in 1949. Employees of the National Archeology Research Centre visited the site in 1979 for a study of its archaeology, history, and geology.

Gunung Padang Manchu Piccu

The current sketch of original of Gunung Padang

The Sundanese people however consider this place as sacred and believe it was the result of King Siliwangi’s attempt to build a palace in one night. The asymmetric Punden Berundak faces northwest, to Mount Gede and was constructed for the purpose of worship.

Gunung Padang

Ruin of Gunung Padang Megalithic Site

It is located in a position that has been noted for its geomantic and astrological factors. Based on various dating techniques, the site was completed by 5000 BC and quite likely much earlier. There are even preliminary indications that the hill site may itself be an ancient pyramid construction.

Gunung Padang 3

How to get there?

Well, you have to come to



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